Several employees of the English university of Surrey presented a new technological development based on renewable energy sources and suitable for use in mobile devices and various solar gadgets.

Solar Gadgets Can Work Longer Thanks to New Discovery

Several employees of the English university of Surrey presented a new technological development based on renewable energy sources and suitable for use in mobile devices and various solar gadgets.

Scientists have demonstrated a rechargeable battery that receives energy from the sun.

British specialists managed to create a system based on perovskite elements that can be recharged with the help of solar radiation.

However, the uniqueness of the solution lies in the fact that, thanks to a special technology for combining constituent parts, this system shows a significant energy density and the possibility of its conservation. These indicators can be compared with modern energy-efficient micro-sized batteries and supercapacitors.

The creators of photorechargeable technology report that to recharge the battery, you need to hold it for about 30 seconds under the sun on the solar gadgets.

This time is enough for several tens of minutes on the mobile device—for example, smart watches or any other gadget that requires long-term use without additional charging.

At the same time, it is reported that in just 30 seconds in sunlight, such batteries can charge enough to increase the battery life of “smart” devices by tens of minutes.